Water Meter

The City of Morrison recently sent out approximately 760 notices to residents that had either known or unknown lead (galvanized iron) water service lines; as part of a new Lead and Copper Rule implemented by the Illinois EPA. The remaining 1,200 resident service lines (approximate) were identified and inventoried during the City's recent water meter replacement program. If you did receive this notice, it is legitimate and should be given its due attention. The goal of this notice is to confirm the material of those unknown service lines. You can follow the instructions to contact City Hall to schedule an appointment to have the Water Department inspect the service line at your water meter OR YOU MAY TAKE A PICTURE OF YOUR WATER METER SHOWING THE SERVICE LINE COMING INTO THE METER AND EMAIL THE PICTURE TO: wastewater@morrisonil.org

The City of Morrison appreciates the great response to this notice and asks that if you have not responded, to please do so. Thank you!