City Administrator
Brian Melton
Chief of Police
Kevin "Rudy" Soenksen
(815) 772-7650 (non-emergency)
Superintendent of Streets & Parks
Mike Garland
Administrative Assistant/Accounts Payable
Barb King
Recreation Services Director
Nathan Jacobs
Superintendent of Utilities
Shane Osborn
Accounting Director/Utility Billing Clerk
Shelli Davis
City Treasurer
Maggie Jones
no direct email
City Attorney
Tim Zollinger
The City Administrator is appointed by the Mayor, with approval by the City Council, and is responsible for administering the City’s ordinances and policies. The City Administrator is the principal intermediary between the corporate authorities and all employees of the City and is responsible to the corporate authorities for the proper administration of all affairs of the City. The City Administrator of Morrison Illinois is the primary officer of the City in dealing with citizens, service vendors, civic groups, governmental agencies and others as needed.
Holiday Schedule - City Hall Closed
The City of Morrison observes the following holidays. All offices will be closed on the dates listed.