Recycling & Refuse
(815) 622-0500
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Pick-Up Days:
South side of the Railroad Tracks: Tuesdays
North side of the Railroad Tracks: Thursdays
See Zone Map and Collection Schedules Below!
The City contracts with Republic Services (formerly Moring Disposal) for the weekly curbside collection of household refuse, recyclable materials as well as seasonal yard waste collection. Residential service, which includes multi-family dwellings up to 8 units, is normally offered on Tuesday and Thursday each week; holiday observances may require a revision in normal schedule from time to time.
Residents may dispose of all ordinary household refuse/garbage, not including yard waste or recyclables in the approved toter with a chocolate brown lid, to be picked up weekly. Recyclables may be placed in the toter with a tan lid, to be picked up every other week according to the schedule and map listed below. For large bulky items, please contact Republic Services at (815) 622-0500 for pricing and to schedule a pick-up.
2025 Collection Schedules (by zone)
Refuse Collection Monthly Rates
Date Effective | 05-01-24 | 05-01-25 | 05-01-26 | 05-01-27 | 05-01-28 |
Monthly Rate | 15.64 | 16.19 | 16.75 | 17.34 | 17.95 |
Guidelines for Acceptable Recycling Material
The City of Morrison encourages residents to recycle everything possible. The following is a guidline for what is acceptabel recyclable material:
>> Newspaper/mail
Any type of newsprint and all inserts
All things that come in the mail including magazines, brochures, phone books and catalogs
Do not bundle these items; place them loosely in the toter
>> Glass Containers
All types of glass containers are accepted
Rinse all glass containers and remove caps or lids
Labels and rings may be left on
>> Metals
Aluminum and tin cans are accepted
Metal pie and cake pans are acceptable, as well as aluminum foil products
Rinse all containers
>> Plastic Containers
Plastic food and beverage containers are accepted
All containers must be empty and rinsed well
Also accepted are rinsed laundry detergent jugs, empty antifreeze containers and rinsed oil containers
>> Paper (Fiber) Products/Cardboard
Items such as shoe boxes, clothing boxes, all food boxes, cardboard boxes, and any size appliance or electronic goods boxes are accepted
Paper grocery bags are also accepted
Not accepted are wax-type milk and juice cartons
Loading Your Recycle Toter - Light Brown (or Tan) Lid Toter
Although no special arrangement of recyclables is necessary, the following hints may be helpful:
All recycle items must fit in toter
No items may be left for pick-up outside of the toters
If toter is too full for lid to close, please consider bundling or placing any loose papers down in the toter
All recycle items may be mixed in toter; no need to organize or separate items
Yard Waste
The City of Morrison provides for the collection of yard waste. For the calendar year 2024, yard waste will be collected on Mondays from April through November of each year. During the months of October and November, yard waste collection will be twice weekly; on Mondays and a second weekday yet to be determined (for 2024). Waste must be placed curbside in approved containers or tied in bundles not exceeding 48 inches in length and 35 pounds in weight. Yard waste shall not be mixed with household refuse/garbage.
Open burning of landscape waste is permitted with the following restrictions:
Between the hours of 3:00 PM prevailing time and sunset on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week and between the hours of 9:00 AM prevailing time and sunset on Saturdays unless either of those days falls on Halloween and/or days designated by the City Council for community-wide trick or treating
On the premise where such waste is generated
Open burning does not occur within six feet of any street or alley, on any street, sidewalk, alley or public ditch
Open burning is constantly attended by a competent and responsible person until such burning is extinguished
When such burning does not create a visibility hazard on public streets, alleys, sidewalks, etc.
Open burning of landscape waste only shall be permitted. Landscape waste means dry leaves and untreated wood and branches smaller than two (2) inches in diameter but does not include noxious weeds or grass clippings.
Open burning of any garbage, waste, refuse, rubbish or substance of any kind other than landscape waste is prohibited. According to city ordinance, no person shall throw, place, or deposit or cause to be deposited any yard waste (including but not limited to grass clippings, leaves, other yard waste and substances, garbage, etc.) upon any street, alley, ditch or public grounds, or upon any property of another within the limits of the city.
Any person convicted of any violation of these ordinances may be fined not less than $75 or nor more than $750 for each day a violation occurs.
The City of Morrison would like to remind the public to be conscientious of your neighbors and the general public when considering lawful open burning. Due to allergies, asthma, and other health issues, some individuals must alter their everyday activities to avoid their exposure to outside air conditions because of open burning especially during this time of year. Weekly yard waste collection is one (of several) alternatives to open burning.